Peak & Northern Footpaths Society (est.1894)

Contact us


PNFS is run solely by volunteers, we will reply to all reports and enquiries as soon as possible.

Contact us by email

Footpath issues: Inspection Team or Footpath Issues Reporting form
Improvements: Improvements Team
Membership: Membership Secretary
Publicity: Publicity Officer
Signpost matters: Signpost Team or Signpost Matters Reporting Form
Volunteering: Volunteers Team
Website: Webmaster or Webmaster Contact Form
Anything else: General Enquiries or General Enquiries Form

Contact us by phone

Our phone number is 0161 480 3565. Calls are usually taken by an answering machine - please leave a message. The phone is more likely to be answered personally on Monday mornings (not bank holidays).

Contact us by post

Our postal address is:

Taylor House
23 Turncroft Lane

Visit us in person

To be certain that one of our volunteers will be there, please make an appointment before calling at Taylor House.

Location map

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